When patients come to our Keller, TX dental office asking about their crooked teeth, what made them that way, and if we can fix them so that they’ll be straight and look “normal” we always want to assure our patients that in almost all cases we’ve seen worse and can make any teeth appear perfect.
Just because you have crooked teeth, doesn’t mean you were born that way, nor does it necessarily mean there is an external cause. If you’re looking to find out why your teeth in particular are crooked in order to find the right solution, take heart that we can make your smile, as near perfect as humanly possible so that you can have the confidence to share your happiest smile. At Pickett Family Dental, Dr. Pickett has years of experience in orthodontics, and creating beautiful smiles is our passion.

What Are the Common Causes of Crooked Teeth?
How Genetics Causes Crooked Teeth
The majority of patients we see come in with the same crooked teeth as one of their parents has, and sometimes both. Typically one parents genetics takes a dominant role in the development of their teeth. Unfortunately, we do not have control over how our teeth will develop. If you’re a patient with a smaller mouth, you also have a higher chance of dealing with overcrowding issues. Other common genetics causes include overbite, underbite, and the angle of your teeth as they come through. Lastly, always check your children for tongue and lip ties as they can cause many oral and systemic health problems over time.
How Bad Oral Habits Cause Crooked Teeth
Pacifiers and thumb sucking are two habits that can cause quite a bit of harm and faster than most might think. If you can avoid your child using a pacifier at all or at least limit it to six months or less, then their teeth will thank you in the future. Tongue thrusting and mouth breathing are also both habits that can cause quite a few issues including health problems if not corrected early. We’ll typically recommend orthodontic treatment to prevent crooked teeth and other oral health problems.
How Injuries Can Cause Crooked Teeth
If you suffered from an injury in the mouth or jaw this can cause crooked teeth. When teeth are loose or lost, this can cause your remaining teeth and jaw to shift, and cause your teeth to become crooked. Seeking help from an orthodontist is important to help repair your mouth, and get your teeth back in place.
Keeping Primary Teeth
Taking care of a child’s baby teeth is important. Primary teeth help the permanent teeth erupt into the right place. If a child loses their primary teeth too early due to decay or trauma, this can directly affect how their permanent teeth erupt. This can cause a child’s permanent teeth to come in crooked.
Looking for a Dentist Near You?
If you are looking for a dentist near you that offers orthodontic treatment, 380 Dental can help. Our doctors have years of experience in orthodontics, and we provide the highest level of service to all of our patients. Don’t live with crooked teeth, let our team help you get on the road to a beautiful smile. Correcting your smile can boost confidence, and allow you to feel great around others.
To schedule an appointment with Pickett Family Dental in Keller, TX simply give us a call at (817) 431-5514.