What Is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency is any dental problem that requires immediate dental care by a dentist, usually to save a tooth or care for discomfort and pain caused by a dental injury such as a chipped or broken tooth. Other dental emergencies include gum infections and abscesses that can be life-threatening or signs of more serious dental problems.
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency in Keller TX, we want you to call our Keller TX Dentist office at (817) 431-5514 to schedule a visit with Dr. Tyson Pickett, DDS FAGD at Pickett Family Dental.
Step-By-Step What To Do In A Dental Emergency
At Pickett Family Dental, we know that dental emergencies can occurs at the worst times, including during evenings and weekends when every dental office closed. If you are near Keller Town Square and you have a dental issue arise at the worst time, there are options for you.
Please follow our dental emergency plan:
Schedule an Appointment with the Dentist
The first thing you shoulder do when you have a dental emergency is to contact Dr. Tyson Pickett, DDS FAGD. We always have emergency appointments available at our Keller, TX dentist office. Call ahead and let us know you’re coming in, or visit our office during regular business hours for a walk-in appointment.
Did You Lose a Tooth? Bring It With You.
When you lose a tooth, the best way to save your tooth or at least help in replacing it is to quickly rinse it with warm water and then place it back in the socket (if it’s intact) or in a container of cold milk. To save a tooth that’s been knocked out, it must be replaced within 2 hours, which means to find the first available dentist.
If it’s not your tooth, but a crown or dental bridge, put it in a small plastic bag to see if we can reattach the tooth when you arrive. If the crown can be replaced, it will save lots of money.
Reduce Your Pain and Receive Treatment
If you’ve experienced an oral injury such as a damaged, cracked, or broken tooth, your mouth is most likely bleeding excessively. Do not worry. Simply clean the area with gauze and stuff it with gauze or cotton balls if that’s all that you have available. This should slow the bleeding.
As for pain, NSAIDs can help if you absolutely need it, because they help with inflammation. However, do not take aspirin, because it’s a blood thinner and can prevent your blood from clotting.
See The Dentist Quickly
We cannot reiterate that going directly to the dentist or scheduling an emergency appointment is extremely important for your oral health, safety, and many times your pocketbook.

Experienced Emergency Dentistry in Keller, Texas
Dr. Pickett has years of experience, the best training, and amazing new equipment to assist with with emergency dentistry. We can help no matter what dental issues you’ve run into. Contact Pickett Family Dental at (817) 431-5514, or walk into our office at 1135 Keller Pkwy, Keller, TX 76248. You can trust us to take great care of you and give you the emergency dental treatment you need to get back to your day-to-day life.